
The wide variety of automated machinery used in the stagecraft industry presents innumerable application points for rotary encoders. From linear slides, to turn tables, to vertical lifts, and hoists, encoders provide reliable motion feedback.

Examples of Motion Feedback in Stagecraft
  • Motorized Set Pieces 

Encoders track the position and movement of motorized set pieces like rotating platforms, moving backdrops, or sliding panels. This data enables precise control and synchronization, allowing coordinated movements for dynamic stage transformations.

  • Stage Machinery Control

Motion control devices can be integrated into various stage machinery, such as lifts, turntables, or moving platforms. The encoders provide real-time data on the position and speed of these mechanical systems, allowing for accurate control and coordination. This enables synchronized movement of stage elements, such as actors, props, or scenic elements.

  • Automated Arena/Theater Seatings

This enables automated adjustments to seating arrangements, such as reconfiguring rows or creating dynamic seating configurations for different events or performances.

  • Elevators/Vertical Lifting

This ensures precise positioning, smooth transitions, and synchronized movements during stage performances. Encoders also contribute to the safety and reliability of vertical lifting systems by providing feedback and monitoring capabilities, enabling operators to detect and respond to any issues or abnormalities in real time.


In all these applications, encoder devices play a crucial role in capturing and transmitting precise motion data, which can be utilized for control, synchronization, and creative purposes in stagecraft. They enable the seamless integration of technical elements with the artistic aspects of performance, enhancing the overall production quality and audience experience.


